

Guided Autobiography 
Live into your memories and write your stories!  Weave together the brilliant and broken bits. Refresh yourself with hindsight and compassion, laughter and a good cry. Clean your slate. Give yourself a satisfying and playful "present".

I am standing in my crib.  Something small and dark scurries across the floor. I thrill at the soft little creature. It disappears… I make urgent sounds to call the tiny mystery to me.

That mouse is my first memory.  Memories bring me right to the places that thrill, shock, confuse, hurt and inform me.   Sometimes I don’t even know how I feel until I find the words to fit and flow meaning to the surface. 

Write for yourself, your family, for fun, to resolve something, to wake up, to see past yourself, to assess, celebrate, confess, forgive and for no reason in particular.

I have a magnet deep inside me for stories; mine and other people's. If you have a magnet inside you to reflect and write your life stories, a class setting offers discipline and structure.  

Sharing our stories inspires insight, vulnerability and compassion ~ and fun.

Register for Guided Autobiography 101 and get started.  If you are already writing and would appreciate the value of a group setting or if you are writing but hit a wall or lack discipline, register.    

No writing experience is necessary!  

Memoir w Diane from Henry Felt on Vimeo.